Robert E. Holmes, Jr. (Charleston, IL, U.S.A.) for C/2008 N1, Stanislav Maticic (Crni Vrh Observatory, Slovenia) for C/2008 Q1, Michel Ory (Delemont, Switzerland) for P/2008 Q2; Koichi Itagaki (Yamagata, Japan) for C/2009 E1, and Dae-am Yi (Yeongwol-kun, Gangwon-do, Korea) for C/2009 F6.
Comet Holmes image credit: Alan Dyer

Past winners include, David H. Levy, Tucson, AZ, U.S.A. (P/2006 T1), Donald Edward Machholz, Jr., Colfax, CA, U.S.A. (C/2004 Q2), William A. Bradfield, Yankalilla, S. Australia (C/2004 F4), and some variable star observers I know, among them; Vance Avery Petriew, Regina, SK, Canada (P/2001 Q2), Albert F. A. L. Jones, Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand (C/2000 W1), and Peter Williams, Heathcote, N.S.W., Australia (C/1998 P1).
It is amazing to me the number of comets still discovered by amateurs each year, and how many of them are made the old fashioned way- visually. During the first eight years of Wilson Awards (1999-2006), 17 awards went to visual discoverers of comets, 10 awards went to CCD discoverers, and one award went to a photographic discoverer of a comet.
Congratulations to this year's amateur comet sleuths.
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